In Need of a January Detox?

Here at Noble Isle HQ, we have enjoyed and indulged in all the delights of the season. With the turn of a New Year and a fresh start, we are ready to get healthy.
We had a quick chat with Katy, our founder, to find out what her tips and tricks are for turning over a new leaf in January and how she starts fresh each year.
Interview with Katy Simpson, our Founder
What are your top tips for a healthy kickstart to January?
I wake up on January 1st full of good feeling and intensions. I have made my new year’s resolutions and know what I want to achieve in the year ahead plus I feel ready to get fit and healthy – mind and body. I love cooking and I make all meals from scratch so I make soups, salads and lots of vegetable with lean meats and fish. I go out for a run or a brisk walk with my two West-Scot terriers in the beautiful Chiltern Hills or hit the gym for some Zumba. Shake out the January blues!
What are your tips for January mindfulness?
The new year is a wonderful time as you get to start again, leaving anything negative in the past year. I normally have a quiet month and get myself organised and into a healthy routine. I always have goals for the year ahead and in January I start to implement them or work out how I will achieve them. I step up my exercise routine, eat healthily and spend time just “being”. Relaxation, a spa treatment, reading, hot bath, lighting candles, a real fire and creating a warm and peaceful ambience.
And finally, what is your fragrance of the month?
This month I am loving Rhubarb Rhubarb! It is one of our most popular fragrances at Noble Isle and I believe it truly does capture that bittersweet smell of rhubarb, reminiscent of fresh spring mornings. I always want to feel cleansed after December and I find that this fresh fragrance does exactly that. Each of the Noble Isle products is enriched with extracts and the forced rhubarb in our Rhubarb Rhubarb! collection is filled with vitamin C, calcium and natural antioxidants – perfect for a January detox!
Thank you very much Katy! We are off to take a lavish bubble bath and light a few Rhubarb Rhubarb! candles – let us know what you think of our products!
Gliffaes Hotel
Have you ever been to the Breacon Beacons? It is a beautiful mountain range in Wales and also home to a beautiful hotel: The Gliffaes.
Gliffaes Hotel is in the Brecon Beacons and a place of style and comfort founded in the best country house traditions. Set in 33 acres of stunning grounds and mature woodlands, the hotel holds a commanding position overlooking the river Usk.
Our wonderful partners at the Gliffaes Hotel have kindly asked their Chef Karl Cheetham to devise a recipe for everyone at Noble Isle. We asked them to use our Whisky & Water Bath & Shower Gel as inspiration for this recipe, as we use the cultural and heritage riches of the British Isles as our inspiration when we create new fragrances.
It isn’t a detox recipe, more of a delicious comfort food to add an air of sophistication if you are still eating Turkey curry…
Iced Pistachio and Whiskey Parfait with Poached Kumquats
Karl Cheetham, Gliffaes Hotel
Serves 8 people
For the Parfait:
1 pint Cream
5 Egg Yolks
5 Egg whites
3 oz. Sugar +1 tbsp. Sugar
4 tbsp. Whiskey
5oz roasted pistachios, shelled
For the Kumquats:
1 Pint water
14 oz Sugar
1lb Kumquats
¼ pint Orange juice
6 Cardamom seeds
2 Bay Leaves
1 Cinnamon Stick
You will need:
Terrine Mould or loaf tin.
Electric whisk
Bain marie or glass bowl and saucepan to make a double boiler.
Blender/grinder/food processor
1. Place the egg yolks, 1 tbsp. of sugar and whiskey in a bain marie (or a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water) and whisk. When the egg mix (sabayon) has doubled in size, remove it from the heat and continue to whisk until cool – you can use an electric whisk for this.1. Place the egg yolks, 1 tbsp. of sugar and whiskey in a bain marie (or a glass bowl over a pan of simmering water) and whisk. When the egg mix (sabayon) has doubled in size, remove it from the heat and continue to whisk until cool – you can use an electric whisk for this.
2. Next, whisk the cream until it is thick enough to make soft peaks, then put to one side.
3. Now place the egg whites into a bowl and whisk. When soft peaks start to form, slowly add the sugar. When all the sugar is added, continue whisking for about another minute until it is firm.
4. Blend the pistachios until they look like fine crumbs.5. Now place the Sabayon, egg whites, cream and pistachios in a bowl and gently fold everything together.
6. Line the mould with cling film and then pour the parfait mixture into it. Put into the freezer for at least 12 hours.
7. Wash and prepare the kumquats, making sure there are no little stalks or leaves left on them. Then put the sugar, juice and spices into a pan and bring to the boil. Add the kumquats to the syrup and then simmer for about 15-20 minutes until they are soft. Once they are soft, remove them from the syrup and put in a bowl. Reduce the syrup by ¾ and then remove from the heat, pour over the Kumquats and put in the fridge until ready to serve.
8. To serve, remove the frozen parfait from the deep freeze about 10 minutes before you need it, cut into slices and serve with the kumquats and syrup.