We owe a lot to the humble honey bee, whom has spent the last 150,000,000 years flitting between various plants, pollinating fruit and vegetables and creating the sweet golden elixir for which it’s named after: honey. Did you know? Bees fly about 55,000 miles to make just one pound of honey, that’s 1½ times around the world.
Our moisturising Heather Honey Hand Wash and Lotion feature extract of protein-rich, antibacterial heather honey, sourced from Heather Hills Honey Farm in Perthshire, Scotland – specialists in mono-floral heather honey since 1945. Unusually replete with proteins, iron and antioxidants, and traditionally revered for its restorative and skin-soothing powers, Scottish heather honey is a highly prized delicacy. Heather Honey is a bright composition of white blooms, featuring fragrance notes of magnolia, orange blossom, jasmine and neroli.
In late summer, Scottish beekeepers haul their hives of hardworking bees high up on to the wind-whipped slopes of Perthshire and Deeside. Heather is the only, lonely nectar-giving plant to survive at these altitudes, and therein lies its attraction for apiarists.
National Honey Bee Day falls on August 16th, marking a day of celebration, whilst raising awareness of the environmental concerns surrounding honey bees.